help what you can afford is homelessness

help what you can afford is homelessness

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Cash assistance for the Needy people in Barawe District IDPs

Cash assistance for the Needy people in Barawe District IDPs that had provided by Somali Community Foundation Organization based in USA Atlanta Georgia but currently working in Southern and central of Somalia to help the vulnerable people by giving them health care, Education, Food supplies, Cash assistance, Madarasa Construction, Mosques building, Holy month Ifter to

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Deeq lacageed oo lagaarsiyey dad Tabaleysan Oo Kusugan Baidoa

Hay,ada Somali Community Foundation Organization oo xarunteda ugu weyn ey tahay USA Atlanta Georgia ayaa waxay deeq lacageed soo gaarsiisay dad tabaaleysan oo kunool kaamamka Barakacyaasha ee kuyaala barawe iyo Baidoa Deeqdasoo lagu wareejiyey dadkii loogu talagalay waxana kala gaarsiyey wakiilka guud ee Africa ee hey,ada Somali Community Foundation Organization iyo Agaasimaha Guud hey,ada Somali

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